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David TreibsOffline

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    David Treibs

    3 years, 3 months ago

    X-22 anyone?
    I listened to the whole thing (1-12-21).

    The guy had zero evidence for what he is saying.
    I believe he is just making up things to excuse everything that happens, and spin everything to make it look like we are winning. The results are that our side is paralyzed into doing nothing to stop what is happening, because some secret military organization is going to come along and rescue us from everything. Our enemies could not come up with a better plan to stop us from resisting them.

    A lot of people have been putting out similar stuff, and many of them claim to have good sources that are in the intelligence community. I believe them, thet they really are intelligence sources.

    Now, ask yourself, who controls the intelligence community–the NSA, the CIA, etc? They are part of the deep state, they are against Trump, and they have been out to overthrow him for the last 5 years.
    Why do we now believe everything they tell us?

    As for these guys giving out the Q information, just about every time they issue a new statement, everything they predicted turns out to be false, so they say, well, everything we said was wrong, but here are our elaborate and fanciful excuses as to why we were wrong, and here are all our new predictions, based on zero evidence, and why you should believe everything we tell you. Then the same thing happens again, everything they predicted is wrong, and they have all sorts of excuses why they were wrong, and they just keep leading people down the path, and nobody says, y’all are full of baloney.

    I prefer to listen to what people like Trump and Pompeo actually say. Today, for example, Mike Pompeo talked implicitly about transferring power to Biden, the same thing Trump said a few days ago. These are real words spoken by real people, not some made up fantasies concocted by people who enjoy misleading others.

    I believe strongly that Trump has been beaten. He conceded in his recent speech. Pompeo reiterated it in his talk today. Maybe the military refuses to help him. Maybe he lacks the werewithal to use the military. Who knows why.

    If you want to believe this stuff, go ahead. But, I ask you one favor. When either Trump is impeached, or Biden is sworn in as Usurper of the Presidency, and nothing has happened, please dispense with this Q stuff.

    I’ll bet you money that they aren’t going to quit. They will say, oh, now we are playin 12d chess, or whatever nonsense they will use. They’ll say, oh, we have to be communist for awhile, so people can see what it’s really all about. No, I think these people can’t give up their hold on manipulating large numbers of people into following them. That sort of behaviour is addictive, you know. And, you can’t just quit, and admit they were just making things up. You have to continue the lies, until someone deposes you.

    It’s like liberals who believe in communism. They won’t ever quit, or change. You just have to remove them from power. Same for these Q guys, you just have to break your mind away from being manipulated and controlled by them.

    The hard part is, we all want to be rescued. We want some secret military organization to come rescue us. But, it’s not going to happen. Our national government has been overthrown by a communist coup, and every level but one has failed to stop them.

    The last level holding out is “we the people,” and it remains to be seen if we will succeed or fail. If we are following the manipulative fantasies of Q, we will fail.



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David Treibs


The Right Knight SirDavid, DragonSlayer, doth carry upon his person, his trusty sword, The Word of God (in plain language, the Bible), and the ancient parchments of his forefathers (The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution).

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