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David TreibsOffline

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    David Treibs

    4 years, 3 months ago · Last Comment 4 years, 3 months ago

    Biden Plays The China Trump Card (a scenario)

    Who is actually President remains unresolved, with both parties claiming to be President.

    There are conflicting opinions issued by various courts, various state level governments, and even with congress invoking its power to select the President, there has been no concession, and no conclusive solution.

    Forces loyal to Biden, including armed agents from the State Department, the CIA, the FBI, the DC Police and others have made multiple armed assaults on the White House in an attempt to forcibly remove Donald Trump from sitting as President, but they are being repelled by elements loyal to him including Special Forces and other branches of the military, and some elements within various federal agencies loyal to the President.

    In light of this conflict, tens of thousands of demonstrators representing all sides of the conflict have descended on DC, and have engaged each other in massive riots and gun battles, resulting in thousands of deaths, and more thousands of injuries.

    Similar pitched battles have raged in multiple large cities. Police are wholly unwilling or unable to quell the violence.

    Military and National Guard units, some loyal to President Trump, and some loyal to Joe Biden have been descending on Washington DC, and the fighting has increased. Power and most essential services are out in large sections of the city, and people not involved in the fighting are fleeing.

    Joe Biden, acting as President Elect, has called on the international community to help him restore order, since the armed forces and federal agencies are engaged in active combat with each other, and not all are following his orders.

    An initial contingent of 200,000 crack Chinese troops have landed in DC to restore order. Their arrival appears to have been much faster than could be reasonably expected for such a massive response, as if they had been staged beforehand close enough to move in quickly. Our analysts believe some elements within the intelligence community must have seen the buildup, but withheld the information for their own purposes.

    With the advent of Chinese troops, major portions of the US Military loyal to President Trump are converging on Washington DC to defend the Capitol from foreign invasion.

    At the same time, military intelligence satellites have begun tracking huge armadas of Chinese transport ships which sources indicate are filled with millions of Chinese troops, and mobile armored vehicles, presumed for transporting the troops once they land.

    Present Trump has attempted to launch a nuclear strike against these armadas, but somewhere along the line, the launch abilities of the President have been interrupted, making a nuclear strike impossible.

    At the same time, it appears that Chinese and Russian anti-satellite weapons have disabled or destroyed most American military satellites, rendering any further tracking impossible.

    With that, President Trump, still in control of the Navy and the nuclear-armed submarine fleet has ordered them to locate, attack, and destroy these Chinese armadas based on the intelligence data gathered before the destruction of the satellites.

    The submarines have had some successes, and have destroyed several armadas, but it is feared that most have survived, and are on their way to the United States. Their destination is suspected to be Washington DC, and the various ports owned by Chinese interests. Why millions of Chinese troops are headed to ports not connected to DC is unclear, but it is rumored that they intend to restore order in all the cities where violence is occurring. How long they plan to stay is anyone’s guess.

    Unfortunately, the Chinese have been building their anti-ship capabilities for decades, and have destroyed many US Navy warships.

    Additionally, many US Navy submarines have gone dark, and intelligence sources believe that Russian submarine hunter-killers are involved, even though Putin has emphatically stated that his country will not be involved in the events.

    In other news, SARS-COV-III, much more virulent and deadly than SARS-COV-II, is spreading, but it appears the nation doesn’t have the resources to cope with both the violence and the new virus. A Chinese scientist who a few days ago defected to Canada claims to have assisted with the development of this new strain. She said in her first and only interview that there are even more virulent strains planned for release into the United States, and that this is part of the Chinese plan to eradicate “this capitalist pestilence from the face of the earth, with a made-in-China pestilence.”

    Our investigators attempted to contact this scientist to verify her claims, but she could not be reached. She seems to have vanished.

    Economists fear that this latest virus will almost completely cripple the US economy.

    C 2020 David C. Treibs

    #joebiden #china #trump #sars-cov-iii #invasion #riots #president #POTUS #violence #overthrow




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About me

David Treibs


The Right Knight SirDavid, DragonSlayer, doth carry upon his person, his trusty sword, The Word of God (in plain language, the Bible), and the ancient parchments of his forefathers (The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution).

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