Former CTO and new Twitter CEO Agrawal in November 2020 interview: "Our role is not to be bound by the First Amendment… focus[ing] less on thinking about free speech, but thinking about how the times have changed."
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) November 29, 2021
Thanks to the Eagles Lodge in Cedar Rapids for an excellent Thanksgiving dinner and a new license plate!
AUSTRALIA – The army is now transferring positive Covid cases and contacts in the Northern Territories to ‘Quarantine Camps’ by army truck.
So it wasn’t a conspiracy theory then. #COVID19 #Australia pic.twitter.com/NfJzqrO1fz
— Bernie's Tweets (@BernieSpofforth) November 22, 2021
Implementing a small transfer fee for ARMS Rewards between users when they either tip or transfer ARMS Rewards. The fee will go directly to the ARMS Central Repository (wheere they stop earning interest)
The main reason behind this is to prevent a two users from transferring the same ARMS Rewards between themselves and increasing their Lifetime…Read More
Can these fees be sent to a burn wallet? I know there is already a limited amount of coins so maybe thats not a good idea…lol
A small 0.5% transfer fee on ARMS Rewards transfers (and tips) has been implemented. This will prevent users from endlessly transferring ARMS Rewards for free, gaining guns and interest rates for free. Plus will hopefully allow us to raise revenue. In the future.
Garuda is
feeling Tired
We have discovered pool payment problems are definitely a network issue with our new load balancer we are building. I am getting some shuteye now, but expect to have it fixed tomorrow. I could let all the payments go, but I want them in the pipeline to test when I wake up.
1 Comment -
There is a bug happening with pool payments. I changed algorithm to no longer lower ARMS Rewards payouts, if payments stop and instead it now only cares about blocks found. ARMS Rewards earned for participation should start going back up now.
All owed is still being recorded and payouts should commence again in 12-24 hours when I get this fixed.
As a suggustion you may want to remove the GPU mining download options on the getting started page. The Argon2/Chukwa is only minable with CPU’s unless I am missing something. BTW, this is a really cool set up here, very professional.
Can you send me config file? I have a 3080 TI I can throw on there. I tried to use this miner but it would only default to cryponite. XMRig-NVIDIA Cuda (Nvidia) XMRIG version for Nvidia GPU
I know with my nvidia that I have mining the development pool I use violetminer for windows, what OS are you on?
Wow, if this is true…
“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall without the consent of Congress accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from an emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and s…Read More
“Fuck America” a woman says before having a seizure on the Kenosha Courthouse steps pic.twitter.com/Lmx8LxBCLQ
— Kyle Hooten (@KyleHooten2) November 19, 2021
The Moment Kyle Rittenhouse Realized He Was a Fullly Acquitted pic.twitter.com/YBUgtdeyqA
— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) November 19, 2021
Not Guilty. 🙂
Garuda is
feeling Shocked
American made computer chips… get out of here.
More militias might not be such a bad thing…
BREAKING: Defense official reportedly says, if the Oklahoma National Guard doesn't comply with COVID vaccine requirements, they will no longer be "maintaining national recognition," thus, state will no longer have a Nat Guard, but rather a militia – VOA's Pentagon correspondent
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) November 17, 2021
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