Garuda is feeling Determined
Getting some work done on the website finally. More cool things coming soon.
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Violence is like guns: when used correctly, both are not only proper, but necessary to preserve life and liberty.
The left is now screaming and shouting denunciations against any violence because they have almost completed the successful overthrow of our Constitution, and they don’t want anyone to come against them to stop them.
They also w…Read More
Courage To Be God’s Warrior against the Marxist overthrow of our Constitution
About 2600 years ago, during the time of Ezekiel the prophet, God looked for a few good men to stand in the gap, and make up the hedge for his nation, but he didn’t find any. Let us not shrink away from the coming fight so that the same thing will be said of us–let…Read More
A wise man once said “forgiveness is divine but never buy into someone else’s bullshit” and I couldn’t agree with myself more!
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Gratitude & Respect.