A little preview of Ep.3 of The Gun Show…Show! Cleaning up our #Velveeta mess with 5 lbs of tannerite
We’re working on getting the kinks out of the show. What topics would you like to hear us talk about and would you like to call in and be a part of the discussions?
Join us for tonight’s broadcast of The Gun Show Show. We will be discussing the possibility of a war with China and what a cold or hot war with china might involve.
@ankiul will you be our test call in guest at 7:20pm CST?
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The next test broadcast of The Gun Show Show will be on Monday at 7pm. I need to turn linux desktop into a windows desktop because the $800 laptop I bought for the broadcast is not powerful enough to process the video feed in real time and do all the other functionality I need to have done. The ryzen 7 in the desktop should… do it.
The Gun Show Show will be broadcasting today from 7pm-8pm
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmPxJtjFDlL8veJxXeHBBww Just a test broadcast, but join us here till we get our streaming service operational
https://www.amazon.com/ASUS-2-1GHz-GeForce-Windows-FX505DU-MB53/dp/B07RYBB18L Having issues with the computer I got for the stream, it is not fast enough…. Trying again tomorrow after upgrades… 🙁
The Gun Show Show is a YouTube Channel which explores gun shows, and purchases and reviews the items we find there.
Group Administrators
Craig Kelley
Great job. Will revisit this soon and get the desired effect. What options do you have to make the firing pin hit hard enough to work?